Saturday, March 24, 2012

We Are Family

I'm back! And excuse the cheesy title. :)

(Psst, see that new link section on the right? It's a link to the blog for my photography class. There you can find my pictures and those of my classmates from each assignment. Updated every two weeks ish.)

Saturday the 10th (woah, long time ago) I finally found my mom and my aunt! After some more shenanigans involving TGV stations, poor communication, poor planning on my part, and my mom thinking the back of the station was the front of it, I finally managed to find them safe and sound in Aix-en-Provence. We spent that weekend hanging around, I showed them the markets and we bought food and sat and had a picnic: goat cheese, emmental, bread, chocolate, Orangina, and macarons. My kind of picnic.
Monday they were left to their own accord as I was busy all day and had to take a midterm. (But I just found out I got an A on that midterm!) They spent the day shopping and we met up for teatime and dinner after finally finding somewhere we all wanted to eat. Tuesday my mom had some meetings at school and I had classes so we all "worked" that day. Then met up for tea and dinner again.
Wednesday we went a-travelling! All three of us booked a trip through the office of tourism in Aix and that morning at 9 hopped in a car with our nice guide and were on our way. Wednesday's trip included a wine tasting in Châteauneuf-du-Pape (fancy!), the city of Avignon, the Pont du Gard (big Roman aqueduct / bridge) , and finally a stop at Tarascon (castle on the Rhône River). 

Modeling in some ruins near Avignon.

GIANT wine bottles at Châteauneuf-du-Pape.

My mommy, my aunt, and me with the Pont d'Avignon in the background

Pont du Gard

Aunt Kath and mom posing at Tarascon
 Thursday I skipped some more class and we went on some more voyages. We had the same guide but were joined by three more other women on our adventures. We went to Arles, Les Baux, Saint-Rémy, and Glanum. Wednesday was warm and sunny, but sadly Thursday was cold and foggy. But we saw the theater and amphitheater in Arles, the monuments in Glanum, sites where Van Gogh painted, and the view from Les Baux--once the fog lifted.

Looking out at Les Baux in the distance
Inside the amphitheater at Arles

Amphitheater in Arles

Mom and Aunt Kath looking majestic on a mountain overlooking Les Baux

Stick fighting outside the mental hospital Van Gogh stayed in

The theater in Arles
Oh yes, there was stick fighting too. Everyone was looking at us like we were a little crazy--including the other people on our tour and the mental hospital workers. Oops. Haters gonna hate, that's why I have my hater blockers. 
Friday was our sad day of departure. :( It was so nice having them here I was really sad to see them go. But we spent our time before that hunting down a new bag and jacket for me, since a wool jacket doesn't seem necessary here anymore. Then we all drove down to the TGV station for hugs, tears, and goodbyes. Sadly, the first train was full I found out later, but they took the later train and got into Paris with no problems for a smooth trip home on Saturday.

That weekend I hung out with my friends and moped around because I was all alone again. Studied for some midterms or something because this Monday started midterms week. Three midterms in one week, oh the horror. It's also been foolishly cold here. 65 is not acceptable with Pittsburgh is 80. Swap, please?

So this week, finally. I took three midterms: french conversation, film, and literature. I think they all went well and I'm not really in any danger of failing this semester. Nothing terribly interesting or of note happened this week. Our student teacher in french class told me I should go out more. I think she thought I was pretty lame because I spend my week nights reading and sleeping. Sometimes I go out on weekends, but I value my sleep, let's be real. Oh, I did book my spring break trip though! I'll be going to London with one of my friends!! (commence singing 'We Are Going to London', that song from Madeline. Does no one know that song but me....?) So I'm super pumped.

Wednesday I hit the two-month-until-home mark and boy am I glad. I've been away from Pittsburgh since the end of December and away from the US since the beginning of January, so my two month away mark was hit a while ago. 
Don't get me wrong, I like being here. It's great and I could never have any experience like this back in the states and I would regret it if I hadn't done it. I wouldn't quite say I'm counting down the days until I get home, but I will be glad when that day comes. I didn't realize how much I like being near my home, my friends, my family, and Pittsburgh. Some people handle being away from home well and this has taught me that I prefer being around familiar things. And that is just that. I've realized that besides people I miss the little things, like my own bed, Starbucks, drinking tea in the morning, my animals creating chaos, sitting in the Baker basement studying and napping, wasting time at the black chairs (holla, SnS), making the food I want for dinner, Gluuteny, oh and understanding everything around you because it's in English.
I have plenty more years in my life to change cities, to go places and whatnot, but for right now, I'll be happy to go home. Most people at school keep yelling at me, telling me not to remind them how little time they have left. And they're right, I need to enjoy the time I spend here. I'm sure I'll miss France once I'm back in the US, but as a French person would say, "Pittsburgh me manque". I've also realized I'll never be French, I'll never speak french like a French person and while I'm here I just have to do my best to adapt and be a non-culturally awkward American in France. And that my dear friends and family, is just that. I hope this update finds you all happy and warm (curse this weather in the south of France!) and I can't wait to see you all!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Don't Worry!

I'll be back soon!
Last week was a crazy busy and fun time with my mom and my aunt, so I obviously didn't take time to blog about it.
And this week is my busy midterms week, three tests in a row starting tomorrow. :( So I'll be back at the end of this week to tell you all about my exciting life.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

I Got 99 Problems, All of Them About Travelling.

I write to you all in sadness that my mom and aunt STILL haven't arrived. They were supposed to be here yesterday afternoon. Happily, they're both in Paris now, searching for luggage. Fingers crossed they'll be here before tonight, or I might take a train up to Paris to find them. While we wait, let's review my week. 

I got an A on my film paper, one of four. Excuse me while I gloat a little. Then I found that they have a new tiny gluten free section in Monoprix so I treated myself to a loaf of bread! A LOAF OF BREAD I SAY. For me, this is revolutionary. Sadly though, I found out I can't eat the crêpes from Crêpes-a-Gogo. Their buckwheat crêpes are half buckwheat and half real wheat. Who does that? Come on now.
Then I found out that Daylight Saving Time doesn't start on Sunday in France. In fact... it doesn't start until the 25th. WHAT IS THIS MADNESS. So the time difference will be different for twoish weeks, I'll only be five hours ahead. (that's how that works, right?)

Otherwise, nothing much exciting. Did some homework, watched some Downton Abbey, did some laundry, ate some smelly cheese for lunch, had my horoscope read to me in French, watched Sarkozy argue on TV, and saw some weird weird modern dance.

Sadly, midterms are the next two weeks, so I'm gonna go study (or watch Downton Abbey) and fingers crossed they get here soon!


Saturday, March 3, 2012

"Winter" Break (part two)

Let's start off by saying that the weather has been absolutely gorgeous. So it's not really a winter break.
And it's kind of unreal being here hanging out and doing nothing, I can't believe it counts as school.

We went to Cassis finally! Except we missed the first bus due to some shenanigans involving the bus being at a different time because it was the work week. So we just sat in a cafe and caught a bus at 12:30. We spent the day in Cassis, but unfortunately--actually more like fortunately-- we spent most of the time eating. We went to a restaurant, but we couldn't figure out how to get the check. Despite the fact that we asked for it twice, it was about forty minutes before we decided to go inside and see that you needed to pay at the counter. I still don't know if they were supposed to bring your check to you. They brought it to other people, so... Oh well. By the time we got out of there, we didn't have enough time to go walk around and see the calanques, so we got ice cream and sat on the beach. What a difficult life.
Oh and then we went to the grocery store to buy apples and candy. M&Ms, a taste of home. (Even though they were actually from Germany. Go figure.)

Pretty nice, right?

Took it easy in Aix on Thursday. My friend and I went to the natural history museum in Aix which has dinosaurs that they found in Provence. It was nice, but so small next to the Pittsburgh natural history museum. I guess I realized I'm a little museum spoiled. Still, twas nice.
Oh my gosh, I almost forgot. I had the world's biggest meringue for afternoon tea. It was at least as big as my head. That is where my sweet tooth ends. Sugar overload
It was absolutely beautiful on Friday. 65 degrees and sun out the wazoo. So, naturally we had a picnic and sat in the park for five hours. I reread The Hunger Games because the movie comes out in 18 days!! (2 days earlier than the US!) And while I didn't get sunburnt, I don't own any sunscreen (hey mom, want to add that to your to bring list? :) ), so I got a super awesome tan line from rolling up my jeans. Awesome half calf tans are the in fashion right now.
You can see them if you squint. Clearly, I tan hardcore.

I also ate a whole thing of Boursin with crackers-- by myself. A whole container. Along with an apple, peach juice, and some gluten free cookies I found. :)

Today involves more hanging around. I need to motivate myself to study a bit for my test on Monday. Instead I watched Psych and read some more books. But since there's no more Psych to watch, I might go do some work now.
And... just SIX DAYS until I see my lovely mom and aunt! :)

I hope you all have a had a lovely week with some sun in the bipolar northeast. For those of you with break in a week, you can do it, I believe in you to make it through next week!!