Saturday, April 14, 2012

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Weather themed titles, as per usual. This week was cold and cloudy and rainy for the good part of the week. I was unaware April would be so dreary and I'm a little disappointed. Especially when Pittsburgh seems to have nicer weather than us (sometimes, it did snow and hail there recently, but it's going to be 80 in the upcoming week so...). Fingers crossed next week gets better, my vitamin D store is dropping low.

This week flew by. Monday we had off so I hung around, walked around, went to parks, the usual. The school week passed without incident nor excitement, save for my literature class.
We haven't read out loud in a while and for some reason I seem to have lost all ability to read out loud. I think I made a mistake on every single word and it is hard to be corrected every time you open your mouth and try to say something. After suffering through a horrible butchered reading of some Proust, the class did improve. I sulked for a few minutes and then enjoyed the class again. It's a great class and we all get along and spent most of the class laughing (and learning, of course). Yesterday I wandered around with my friends while they 'interviewed' tattoo parlors to see where they want to get their tattoos. Don't worry, no tattoos for me. Although if I did, I might just get 'il faut profiter', so lyrical sounding, right?
And Friday I had class during which I rocked a presentation with my friend, then sat in the cave being very silly with my friends, came home ate a whole hollow chocolate egg and watched three episodes of Glee. LIVING THE LIFE. Whatever, it was rainy.

As another week comes to a close, I get even more confused about my feelings about France. While in the cave today, someone mentioned we have something like 37 days left. Uh, what? Sorry, did no one inform time we just got here? No, but really I did. I swear. Time has flown. But here's the weird thing, I don't even remember being home. I haven't been home since December and to think about Pittsburgh and what it's like there, what things look like, where I hang out, how to drive places, all the English, all the people (like yinzers), is so weird. I realize that France isn't the place I 'belong', but at the same time it feels like I've always lived here. I know, it doesn't make much sense.
Same goes for the awesome people I've met here. I was slow to make friends, but now that I've made them, I feel like I've known them forever. We've known each other for two months and yet I can't remember hanging out without them. I haven't forgotten my friends from home and in fact I miss them a lot, but my friends here are my normal friends now. A lot of my friends live close by in the US, which is also weird. Because this whole time, we've been close to each other, but only met once we traveled miles across the world to France. These things are blowing my mind.

I have one week left, then spring break, then two weeks, and finals. I can't wrap my mind around how short that is. I might actually be sad and have a minor life crisis when I leave here. Sure, I still want to go home, but...
As my friends and I have decided, if we could just transport our people to France, it would be almost perfect.

Until next week's baffled end of week post, il faut profiter!


  1. you can get a tat, maybe a lavender bush on your butt? :-)

    yes, profites-en, this is the last time you'll be totally free...

  2. We'll be sure to take you to Jean Marc's and the French restaurant in East Liberty often.
