Saturday, March 10, 2012

I Got 99 Problems, All of Them About Travelling.

I write to you all in sadness that my mom and aunt STILL haven't arrived. They were supposed to be here yesterday afternoon. Happily, they're both in Paris now, searching for luggage. Fingers crossed they'll be here before tonight, or I might take a train up to Paris to find them. While we wait, let's review my week. 

I got an A on my film paper, one of four. Excuse me while I gloat a little. Then I found that they have a new tiny gluten free section in Monoprix so I treated myself to a loaf of bread! A LOAF OF BREAD I SAY. For me, this is revolutionary. Sadly though, I found out I can't eat the crêpes from Crêpes-a-Gogo. Their buckwheat crêpes are half buckwheat and half real wheat. Who does that? Come on now.
Then I found out that Daylight Saving Time doesn't start on Sunday in France. In fact... it doesn't start until the 25th. WHAT IS THIS MADNESS. So the time difference will be different for twoish weeks, I'll only be five hours ahead. (that's how that works, right?)

Otherwise, nothing much exciting. Did some homework, watched some Downton Abbey, did some laundry, ate some smelly cheese for lunch, had my horoscope read to me in French, watched Sarkozy argue on TV, and saw some weird weird modern dance.

Sadly, midterms are the next two weeks, so I'm gonna go study (or watch Downton Abbey) and fingers crossed they get here soon!


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