Saturday, March 3, 2012

"Winter" Break (part two)

Let's start off by saying that the weather has been absolutely gorgeous. So it's not really a winter break.
And it's kind of unreal being here hanging out and doing nothing, I can't believe it counts as school.

We went to Cassis finally! Except we missed the first bus due to some shenanigans involving the bus being at a different time because it was the work week. So we just sat in a cafe and caught a bus at 12:30. We spent the day in Cassis, but unfortunately--actually more like fortunately-- we spent most of the time eating. We went to a restaurant, but we couldn't figure out how to get the check. Despite the fact that we asked for it twice, it was about forty minutes before we decided to go inside and see that you needed to pay at the counter. I still don't know if they were supposed to bring your check to you. They brought it to other people, so... Oh well. By the time we got out of there, we didn't have enough time to go walk around and see the calanques, so we got ice cream and sat on the beach. What a difficult life.
Oh and then we went to the grocery store to buy apples and candy. M&Ms, a taste of home. (Even though they were actually from Germany. Go figure.)

Pretty nice, right?

Took it easy in Aix on Thursday. My friend and I went to the natural history museum in Aix which has dinosaurs that they found in Provence. It was nice, but so small next to the Pittsburgh natural history museum. I guess I realized I'm a little museum spoiled. Still, twas nice.
Oh my gosh, I almost forgot. I had the world's biggest meringue for afternoon tea. It was at least as big as my head. That is where my sweet tooth ends. Sugar overload
It was absolutely beautiful on Friday. 65 degrees and sun out the wazoo. So, naturally we had a picnic and sat in the park for five hours. I reread The Hunger Games because the movie comes out in 18 days!! (2 days earlier than the US!) And while I didn't get sunburnt, I don't own any sunscreen (hey mom, want to add that to your to bring list? :) ), so I got a super awesome tan line from rolling up my jeans. Awesome half calf tans are the in fashion right now.
You can see them if you squint. Clearly, I tan hardcore.

I also ate a whole thing of Boursin with crackers-- by myself. A whole container. Along with an apple, peach juice, and some gluten free cookies I found. :)

Today involves more hanging around. I need to motivate myself to study a bit for my test on Monday. Instead I watched Psych and read some more books. But since there's no more Psych to watch, I might go do some work now.
And... just SIX DAYS until I see my lovely mom and aunt! :)

I hope you all have a had a lovely week with some sun in the bipolar northeast. For those of you with break in a week, you can do it, I believe in you to make it through next week!!


  1. it doesn't look like the weather is going to favor us so nicely, though. high 50s?

    what's a calanque?

    1. Pft, you underestimate the southern sun. As long as there's no mistrals, mid to high 50s warrants only a sweater (in the sun). The mistrals are supposed to go away and it's supposed to go almost to sixty by the end of the week. I've learned US weather sources are often wrong about France weather.

    2. And this is a calanque
